Specialist Governors:
- are appointed into their role by the local governing body (LGB). They will take responsibility for monitoring their area of responsibility on behalf of the LGB, and will report back to the Local Governing body accordingly
- have a role in advising on and monitoring school activity in a specific area and be a key link between Hayesfield’s and SLT the Governing Body
- closely monitor developments in their area and take a lead role in challenging and advising relevant members of senior staff in their specific area
- meet with the relevant member of SLT as and when required
- agree outcomes/objectives with the SLT link at the beginning of the year and work toward achieving these outcomes/objectives. These outcomes/objectives will match the objective of the LGB with which the responsibility is linked
- pursue active involvement in their area of activity. This could be to agree specific tasks to be performed and/or to focus on a specific area within their remit
- report fully to the LGB at least once a year. They will also have the opportunity to provide a brief update at every meeting. Within this latter remit, “nothing to report” is a valid response
- may attend other meetings at the school that will assist in performance of their role
- attend relevant training for the post and share outcomes of the training with the LGB members
Specialist Governor Role | Nominated Governor |
Admissions and Appeals | Phil Rothfield |
Health and Safety | Jim Robinson |
Closing the Gap: Pupil Premium and Lower Prior Attainers | Jane Rowland |
Safeguarding and Looked After Children | Phil Rothfield |
SEND | Jane Rowland |
6th Form | Chris Millward |
Careers & Employer Engagement | Zara Nanu |
Pastoral | Kate Knights |