Gifted and Talented students in History:
- Have excellent factual recall skills
- Are able to make connections between ‘pockets’ of knowledge and start to determine patterns in history
- Offer natural leadership through clear communication and knowledge in groups
- Display a passion or even an obsession for historical knowledge
- Apply wider knowledge or observations to topics studied in class, seeking connections or contradictions
- Ask searching, deep questions about history and always seek to know why
- Enjoy abstract tasks, such as ‘virtual history’
- Come to original or sophisticated conclusions and reach independent judgments
- Can write about history in great depth but also take a highly analytical, even synoptic approach to written work
- Use all their lesson time to further their knowledge of history and enjoy researching
Beyond the classroom students:
- Make the most of Heritage Week (Sept), half term events (Oct and May), the later torch-lit opening of the Roman Baths (July and August) to explore interesting local sites using the Discovery card and free openings.
- Enjoy reading appropriate historical novels such as those by Rosemary Sutcliffe, Jean Plaidy, Philippa Gregory, John Boyne, Hilary Mantel, fictional novels which exploit an historical setting, or novelists, diary writers and journalists from previous eras.
- Take the opportunity to explore nearby historical sites such as the Kennet and Avon Canal, Stonehenge and museums such as the M shed in Bristol
- Use local internet archives and site visits to research historical events such as the Bath Blitz, Combe Down Tunnel Disaster, the life of Harry Patch or daily life in Georgian and Roman Bath
- Create an unusual presentation on a topic for a class with the agreement of your teacher e.g. in role and hotseated as an historical character, solve an historical mystery, Top Trumps for opposing military or political forces, what buildings, objects, art or clothing from a period can reveal ( as ‘Cash In The Attic’ or’ Homes Under the Hammer’)
- Use the school library, advice from our School Librarian, local libraries and inter library loans to research new topics in more depth
- Create history puzzles( and bad jokes) for use in class or for the school magazine
- Enjoy ‘Horrible Histories’, BBC/ITV period drama, ( some on DVD in the School Library) and suitable films on general release with a strong historical setting