Course Content:
During the course students will study the following topics:
- Ancient philosophical influences
- Soul, mind and body
- Arguments based on observation
- Arguments based on reason
- Religious experience
- The problem of evil
- The nature or attributes of religion
- Religious language
- Natural law
- Situation ethics
- Kantian ethics
- Utilitarianism
- Euthanasia
- Business ethics
- Meta ethics
- Conscience
- Sexual ethics
- Beliefs, values and teachings
- Sources of religious wisdom and authority
- Practices which shape and express religious identity, and how these vary within a tradition
- Significant social and historical developments in theology and religious thoughtKey themes related to the relationship between religion and society
Assessment in A Level Philosophy and Ethics
We expect students to complete the course at A2. They will sit three two hour exams.
Paper 1 – Philosophy
Paper 2 – Ethics
Paper 3 – Buddhism
Philosophy and Ethics Resources [PDF]
Whole A Level RAG Grid [PDF]
Year 1 PLC buddhism [PDF]
Year 1 PLC Ethics [PDF]
Year 1 PLC Philosophy [PDF]
Year 2 PLC buddhism [PDF]
Year 2 PLC Ethics [PDF]
Year 2 PLC Philosophy [PDF]
Marking and Feedback
Assessment feedforward sheets are used as part of the assessment marking process at the end of each unit which usually marries up to each term. Staff comments provide guidance on how students can improve their level of understanding. Staff are expected to review all peer assessed and self-assessed work and provide guidance when necessary.
Setting in A Level Philosophy and Ethics
As this is an Option Block, there is no setting for A Level Philosophy and Ethics and all students at all levels work within the same groups. This is supported through carefully differentiated delivery of the curriculum.
Homework is set in line with the School Homework Policy.
Homework typically includes practice exam questions, consolidation homework, creative tasks, and flipped learning work.
Supporting your son or daughter in A Level Philosophy and Ethics
- Debate and discuss the issues we have studied in class
- Encourage wider reading around the subject
- Make sure that your son/daughter equipment for lessons – A4 files and paper plus pens, notes and filing materials
- Help them to spot where they need more help and encourage them to participate fully
- Encourage discussion about the course and the subjects that they are studying