Gifted and Talented students in Languages:
- Have a strong desire to manipulate language independently- applying principles learnt to new situations, often with the use of humour.
- Demonstrate creativity and imagination when using new language.
- Have a natural feel for languages- knowing instinctively what sounds right and showing awareness of sound/spelling relationships.
- Where the student has a home language other than English they explore the similarities and differences the comparison offers with insight and flair
- Pick up new language and structures quickly- retaining them immediately and from one lesson/context to the next.
- Make connections between word types and structures- recognising the grammatical function of words.
- Seek solutions and ask probing questions- testing theories and solving linguistic problems independently.
- Be able to identify and articulate to others their own learning style and preference.
- Show intense interest in the cultural features of a language, often wishing to share their findings with their peers e.g. idiom, history and traditions.
Beyond the classroom students:
- Enjoy contact with students of similar abilities across year groups.
- Participate in school competitions and those at local, regional or international level .
- Take part in language festivals.
- Use the School Library to access a wider range of texts and suitable DVDs in languages other than English
- Enjoy trips abroad to widen their experience of other languages and cultures
- Write for the Bulletin about school events in an appropriate language which is not English.
- Conduct master classes for other pupils, e.g. Primary pupils, those visiting from other countries.
- Listen to native speaker radio broadcasts and enjoy watching foreign television
- Act as Hayesfield Ambassadors using their languages to host visitors in languages other than English.
- Enjoy tasters in different languages (to make connections and identify differences between different writing systems and language families).
- Work with teacher-training institutions who offer intensive one-day sessions for G&T students.