While our students are developing their resilience and resourcefulness, we understand that studying remotely can add its own pressures and problems. For parents, it is not always clear when and how you should help them!
Experienced staff at Hayesfield, Beechen Cliff and St Marks would like to help parents navigate their way around remote learning, so we have collaborated to create a series of videos that should support families to make the most of remote learning.
These videos will be launched via our Hayesfield YouTube channel at 5pm on Thursday 28th January, 2021. You can watch the Headteachers’ welcome now though by clicking here:
Each video, about 15 minutes long, will cover a range of useful topics from how we are teaching in each of our Schools, to offering support in manging issues of anxiety caused from being away from the support and social interaction of School life. We know that students are missing us as much as we are missing them.
The playlist of videos available for you to watch is shown below, we have split the playlist into two categories – those videos that should be helpful to parents in all three schools and those that are specific to Hayesfield. We hope parents enjoy watching them as much as we enjoyed making them.
Making the Most of Remote Learning Playlist
Top Teaching Tips for Parents from staff at Beechen Cliff, Hayesfield and St Mark’s
Staff from all schools share some Top Tips for Parents on how to deliver content, support and challenge like a pro.
Working at Home
Guidance on how to best set up the learning environment and organise the day to manage your child’s working week. Useful for all Year Groups.
Staying on Track
Guidance on what to do if your child is struggling with workload. Useful for all Year Groups.
Get Up and Be Active!
Tips for staying active in lockdown for your child and for your family. No excuses for staying fit and healthy. Up and at ‘em!
Managing Motivation
Top Tips for supporting your child’s emotional resilience and wellbeing during lockdown. A more light-hearted focus on staying motivated and keeping positive.
Culture in Quarantine
We can still visit museums, galleries and watch key theatre productions, all from our homes. A walk through some of the enrichment opportunities available on the school website and through other agencies and organisations.
A Time to Read
Motivational video on encouraging all students to read during lockdown as well as providing a few recommendations from staff and students. Perhaps even some recommended reads for parents too!
Managing Pressure Points
Expert guidance from our highly trained Pastoral Team on how to spot, support and seek help for more serious issues of anxiety and other well-being concerns during lockdown.
Making the Most of Seneca
Parent guide on accessing and making the most of this highly effective platform used by Hayesfield’s and Beechen Cliff’s Science teams.
Playlist for Hayesfield
Remote Learning Procedures and How to Access Work
A boring title but an important one. We will be explaining how we are continuing to deliver our curriculum and assessment plans during this period of national lockdown as well as how and where the students can access their work.Useful for all Year Groups.
Microsoft Teams Training
Training on how to access and make the most of Microsoft Teams. Some basic tips as well as some more advanced features for the more experienced.
Parent guide on accessing and making the most of this highly effective platforms used by Hayesfield’s Maths team.
SIMS Student
A guide for Students and Parents talking through the Homework section of SIMS Student. Useful for navigating the system. Covers logging in, completing homework, and dealing with technical queries.
myON Online Library
Parent guide to accessing Hayesfield’s brand-new Reading Portal Myon. A great opportunity to help support your daughters as active and engaged readers. Aimed at students in Year 7 and 8.