Course Content: OCR A Level PE
OCR A Level Physical Education
Candidates are expected to have completed GCSE PE as a pre-requisite course and should have gained a grade 6 in this qualification. Candidates must additionally gain a minimum GCSE Science Grade 5.5 and participate in at least one sport at club level or higher.
A Level Course Content
The course in A Level PE is made up of three theory units:
Unit 1 – Physiological factors affecting performance (30%)
- Applied anatomy and physiology
- Exercise physiology
- Biomechanics
Unit 2 – Psychological factors affecting performance (20% A2)
- Skill acquisition
- Sports psychology
Unit 3 – Socio-cultural issues in physical education and sport (20%)
- Sport and society
- Contemporary issues in physical activities and sport
In addition, students must complete a practical assessment (15%) to include:
- Practical assessment in one sporting area (as either a coach or a performer)
- A synoptic talk (EAPI)
Subject Specific Skills
In A Level PE lessons, students are expected to demonstrate a range of skills across all activities including the following core practical skills, which can be adapted dependent on the practical activity your son/daughter is assessed in:
- Advanced attacking principles
- Advanced defending principles
- Performing to maximal levels
- The application of skills into games/performances
- Outwitting opponents effectively through tactical strategies
- Understanding the rules and concepts of activities
- Appreciating performances through peer and self-evaluation
In addition, there are core theory skills which we expect students to develop and apply to their theory lessons:
- Developing subject specific knowledge
- Applying their theory knowledge to examination questions
- Justifying their comments through the use of appropriate practical examples
- Reading and analysing graph’s and data
- Extended writing skills with high quality of written communication (QWC)
PE Resources
Revision Documents
PiXL Resources
Assessment in A Level PE – During Second Year of Study (Year 13)
A Level PE assessment includes as follows:
Unit 1 (H555/01) – Physiological factors affecting performance (30% A2)
- Applied anatomy and physiology
- Exercise physiology
- Biomechanics
- 2 hour written paper (90 marks)
Unit 2 (H555/02) – Psychological factors affecting performance (20% A2)
- Skill acquisition
- Sports psychology
- Sports and society
- 1 hour written paper worth 60 marks
Unit 3 (H555/03) – Socio-cultural issues in physical education and sport (20% A2)
- Sport and society
- Contemporary issues in physical activities and sport
- 1 hour written paper (60 marks)
Unit 4 (H555/04) – Performance in physical education (30% A2)
- One sporting activity (15%), performer or coach and synoptic talk (15%)
- Internally assessed, externally moderated (cluster moderation – April/May)
A Level PE Exam (full GCE)
The Year 13 students will sit three examinations (in May/June) the physiological factors exam is worth 30% and the psychological and socio-cultural exams are worth 20% each which equates to 70% of their final GCE mark. Students will complete both short and long answer questions (20 marks), demonstrating their synoptic knowledge across all three subject areas.
Setting in A level PE
As this is an Option Block, there is no setting for A Level PE and all students at all levels work within the same groups. This is supported through carefully differentiated delivery of the curriculum.
To include:
- Homework is set in line with the School Homework Policy
- Due to the nature of the assessments at A Level, the PE Department sets an on-going practical homework throughout Years 12 and 13 where students are expected to regularly record and video their practical evidence
- Theory homework typically included practice exam questions, consolidation homework and flipped learning work
- In addition, there is a high level of expectation that students attend Period 6 LEAP activities and external sports club as no practical lessons are delivered in curriculum time
Supporting Your Daughter in A Level PE
- Encourage attendance to the Period 6 LEAP sporting activities and external sports clubs
- Support your son/daughter in collecting and submitting regular video evidence of their practical performance
- Encourage wider reading around the subject
- Making sure that your son/daughter has the correct kit and equipment for her lessons
- Share your sporting enthusiasm with your son/daughter
- Encourage healthy eating and an active lifestyle
- Share any concerns regarding progress or achievement with the PE department via e-mail and telephone communication