Drama and Theatre – Edexcel 9DRO
Why study this subject?
Acting is an essential part of what makes us human. We learn to act appropriately in different situations and we spend our lives communicating non-verbally through body language and facial expressions. All of us require the confidence to mix with new people, to voice our opinions and stand by our beliefs. We need our voices to be heard and Drama helps in all of these areas. Above all else Drama is a team activity and we encourage our students to take independent responsibility for their learning; discussing, negotiating and compromising with each other. All of their work will be seen by others and verbal and written feedback will help them move on. Finally Drama is about telling stories, another essential social activity and one that enables us to learn about our past, our human qualities and our dreams and aspirations. Along the way those stories are also told for our entertainment and it is worth noting that the performing arts in Great Britain yield over 5 billion annually for our economy.
A level in Drama and Theatre will be assessed through a combination of a 40% written exam and 60% Non-Examined Assessment (NEA). Specification requires students to demonstrate a practical understanding of:
a minimum of two complete and substantial performance texts and at least three key extracts from three different texts placed in the context of the whole text. Students must study the work and methodologies of two influential theatre practitioners (individual or companies).
Specification in drama and theatre requires students to participate in:
a minimum of two performances, one devised and one from a performance text studied during the course.
The A Level Qualification (A 2 year qualification)
Component 1: Devising 40%
Using one key extract and the ideas of a practitioner as stimulus, students will devise an original performance piece and also create a portfolio of evidence charting the process. This can be written or even filmed or a combination.
Component 2: Text in Performance 20%
Students will study a performance text and prepare and perform a key extract. They must also learn and perform a monologue or duologue from a separate performance text. Both of these are assessed by an external visiting examiner.
Component 3: Theatre Makers in Practice 40%
Students must see a live performance and evaluate it. They must also study a complete performance text focussing on how it could be realised for performance and practically explore and interpret a separate complete performance text, in light of a chosen practitioner – focussing on how this text could be reimagined for a contemporary audience
Entry requirements and subject specific skills
Practical ability in acting is essential, although design roles for costume, lighting, set, and sound are available. You must have enthusiasm for creating theatre, team working skills and commitment to out of hours rehearsals. A genuine passion for seeing live performances independently is also needed.
This subject works well with
English, Humanities, Dance, Music, CTEC Performing Arts, Law
Extra/Super curricular activities
LAMDA award, School productions, external theatre companies, extra work in TV and film
Future Pathways
Performing, writing, directing, producing, technical expertise in lighting, set design, props, costume and make up and any career requiring confident presentation and public speaking skills such as lawyers
Recent Exam Successes
100% A* – E pass rate for the last 3 years. Students have gone on to Drama Schools such as Guildhall, East 15, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, London Studio Centre. Ex-students have found professional work such as Intern Director at The Rondo Theatre, set up their own theatre companies and performed on stage in the West End.
Drama External Links
- Petra Schofield and Charlie Vernon – LAMDA tutors
- Playing Up Theatre Company
- Bath Drama
- Rondo Theatre Company
- Bath Theatrical Costume Hire
- Theatre Bath
- The Bristol Old Vic
- The Egg theatre
- Theatre Royal Young Persons Theatre Company
- Zenith Musical Theatre Company
- Natural Theatre Company
- Next Stage Youth Theatre Company at The Mission Theatre