Our Vision
“Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong”.
John F Kennedy
At Hayesfield, we aim to nurture and grow a lifelong love of physical activity in all our students and equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to support good physical and mental health, which is imperative in the current climate. Our curriculum is designed so that all students build the skills and knowledge of a wide range of activities so that they have the confidence and desire to lead an active healthy life, whilst supporting our students to fulfil their potential and compete in sport at County, Regional or National standard. This is reflected in our Key Stage 4 options where we offer the GCSE PE and NCFE Level 2 in Health & Fitness to cater for the needs and interests of all our students.
Please Click Here to View the KS3 Curriculum Intent and Implementation Statements
Please Click Here to View the KS4 Curriculum Intent and Implementation Statements
Please Click Here to View the Curriculum Booklet for PE
The 5 Year Learning Journey
Please Click Here to Download the Physical Education Learning Journey PDF
Key Stage 3 Curriculum Resources
Key Words for PE
Year 7, 8 and 9 | ||
Attacking Defending Warm up Pulse raiser Dynamic Stretching Static Stretching Control Counter balance Mirroring Cannon Counterpoint Dodge Feint dodge Travel, rotation Axis Lateral, horizontal, sagittal Pathways Target Footwork | Attack Defence Formation Evaluating and improving on performances Making and applying decisions Control Acceleration Decision making Fluency Accurate Collaboration Balance Teamwork Tactic Set-play Evaluate Skill Centre | Technique Warm-up Cool-down Fitness Control Acceleration Decision making Speed Coordination Excellence Fielding Striking Power Analyse Performance Rules Accurate replication of key skills Outwitting opponents through game play |
Key Stage 4 Curriculum Resources
Please click on the links below to find resources that will help your daughter to achieve her personal best
Year 10 and 11 PE GCSE
Sport Psychology [PDF]
Socio Cultural Influences [PDF]
Exam Command Words Poster [PDF]
Useful Resources
- Textbook: Hodder GCSE PE (9-1): Ross Howitt and Mike Murray
- AQA | Physical Education | GCSE | Physical Education
- GCSE Physical Education – BBC Bitesize
- Youtube.com/planet PE
- PLCs (Personal Learning Checklist) that can be found on the school website through GCSE Academic Support Link
- All students have a log on to theeverlearner.com (videos and topic tests)
NCFE Health & Fitness
NCFE Year 11 Health and Fitness Unit 2 PLC [PDF]
Year 10 Unit 1 Health and Fitness Exam Feedback Log [PDF]
NCFE Year 10 Health and Fitness PLC [PDF]
Useful Resources
- Textbook NCFE Level 1 and 2 Technical Award Health and Fitness. Ross Howitt and Mike Murray. Hodder Education. ISBN: 9781510446403
- Revision Notes: NCFE Level 1 and 2 Technical Award Health and Fitness. Mark Powell and Amanda Starr.
My revision notes. Hodder Education. ISBN: 9781510460119 - https://www.teachpe.com/
- https://www.gcsepod.com
Enriching Learning
Activities that we provide to support your daughter’s progress in PE include:
Key Stage 3:
- Hockey Club
- Netball Club
- Football Club
- Athletics Club
- Cross Country Club
- Rounders Club
- Indoor Athletics Club
- Cricket Club
- Trampolining Club
- Opportunities to compete in Swimming Galas
- Opportunities to compete in all B&NES tournaments
- Weekly Sporting Fixtures
Key Stage 4:
- Leadership Opportunities
- Hockey Club
- Netball Club
- Football Club
- Athletics Club
- Cross Country Club
- Rounders Club
- Indoor Athletics Club
- Cricket Club
- Trampolining Club
- Opportunities to compete in Swimming Galas
- Opportunities to compete in all B&NES Tournaments
- Weekly Sporting Fixtures
You can support your daughter’s progress in PE by:
- Encouraging attendance at the Period 6 LEAP sporting activities
- Making sure she has the correct kit and equipment for her lessons, particularly mouth guards and shin pads for Hockey
- Sharing your sporting enthusiasm with your daughter
- Encouraging healthy eating and an active lifestyle
- Supporting your daughter in taking on a coaching or officiating role in lessons should there ever be an injury or illness limiting her participation
- Keeping in communication with the PE department via the school bulletin and your daughters planner
- GCSE specific – Supporting your daughter in collecting and submitting regular video evidence of their practical performance
Recommended Reading List
Here is a list of books that will engage, excite and/or provide invaluable contextual information that will support your daughter’s learning:
Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 |
Secret FC - Tom Palmer Ghost- Jason Reynolds Our Beautiful Game - Lou Kuenzler | Running Full Tilt - Michael Currinder Tumbling - Caela Carter | Women in Sport - Rachel Ignotosky Born to Run - Christopher McDougall |
Year 10 | Year 11 |
Bounce - Matthew Syed Podium: What Shapes a Sporting Champion - Ben Oakley | The Sports Gene - David Epstein The Talent Lab - Owen Slot |
Key Stage 3
- Maximum intended length of homework per subject should normally be 30 mins per week in Year 7, extending to 45 minutes by Year 9
- Students record homework in their planners and teachers share the work via SIMS Parent online portal.
Key Stage 4
- Homework is set in line with the School Homework Policy. The intended length of homework should normally be 1 hour per week
- GCSE PE sets ongoing practical homework throughout Years 10 and 11 where students are expected to regularly record and video their practical evidence
- Theory homework typically included practice exam questions, consolidation homework and flipped learning work
Students record homework in their planners and teachers share the work via SIMS Parent online portal