I am delighted to be able to share with you our recent OFSTED Inspection report.
Please click here to read the report [PDF].
The Inspection was an ungraded “Section 8” monitoring inspection, which reviews our progress as a school since the full inspection in 2017. The team conducted lesson visits, met with students and staff and took into account the responses to the parent, student and staff surveys. As you will see from reading the report, Ofsted monitoring inspections have a sharp focus on the curriculum but also review all other aspects of school provision such as behaviour, personal development and safeguarding.
The opening comment in the Inspection Report highlights how our motto of “Achieving Ambitions” is at the centre of everything we do at Hayesfield. The inspector praised the culture of high aspiration and expectation for every student and confirmed that we continue to be a ‘good’ school with an ‘outstanding’ Sixth Form.
The Report celebrates our students’ commitment to working hard and taking pride in their learning. Many students talked to the Inspectors about their pride in being a member of the Hayesfield community and the range of Extra Curricular opportunities available; It confirms that our school values are at the heart of our school and, that as a result, our students are confident, self assured learners with exemplary behaviour.
The Inspection Report also highlights that reading and literacy are at the heart of the curriculum and that the additional support for students who need it is a strength of our provision at Hayesfield. The Lead Inspector was delighted with our Book-Eyrie and the leadership opportunities for its fledglings was one of many cited leadership opportunities that we have for our students.
Moving forwards, we will continue to build on the strong foundations of the five year journey of the Hayesfield Girl and focus now on securing a seven year journey through to the Sixth Form. You have my assurance that we will continue to deliver the best experience for every student at our school by working in partnership with you and your child.
Philip White, Headteacher
View all Ofsted Inspection Reports
Share your view about Hayesfield
At the time of a school inspection and any time of the year, parents can give their views to Ofsted using the Parent View questionnaire. Your responses will help Ofsted to form an accurate picture of our school and give it a fair judgement. We also use the responses collected from Parent View to gauge how well we are performing in key areas like communication, behaviour and school leadership, as part of our Self Evaluation Process. Please click on the icon to access the Parent View site.