Spanish 4 Year Learning Journey
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Key Stage 3 Curriculum Resources
Please click on the links below to find resources that will help your daughter to achieve her personal best:
Year 8 | Year 9 |
Mi vida & Mi tiempo libre Introduction to the present tense Pronunciation of vowels and consonants Asking and answering questions in the present tense PLC Freetime Mi insti & Mi familia y mis amigos Adjectives and their agreements Possessive adjectives and their agreements Structure of opinion phrases PLC school PLC family En la cafetería & ¿Qué vas a hacer? Stem changing verbs in the present tense Introduction to the near future Ordering food and drink in a café – role plays PLC Mis vacaciones Introduction of the simple past (preterite) - regular verbs Using key irregular verbs in the simple past Recognising and using the past, present and near future tenses together PLC ¡A comer/mi móvil! Different ways of making a sentence negative Recognising and using the polite ‘you’ (usted) Extending writing using longer sentences and more complex language PLC Grammar recap & Cultural Project Revising key verbs used and finding new ones encouraging good dictionary use Asking and answering questions giving longer and justified opinions Looking at Spanish-speaking countries and different cultures Key vocabulary all topi Knowledge Organisers Year 8 Knowledge Organiser Family Knowledge Organiser School Knowledge Organiser Freetime | Holidays Write/talk about holidays – who, where, when ,how and what you do and did Use all parts of the verb in present, preterite, imperfect and conditional tenses when discussing holidays Hold a role play booking into a hotel Discuss a disastrous holiday PLC Key vocabulary E/R (holidays section) Key vocabulary R/M (holidays section) School Give extended opinions about school subjects, building on Year 8 work Talk about teachers, using comparatives,superlatives and negatives Talk about clubs and activities and their importance Talk about then and now – primary and secondary schools Talk about school issues and problems Talk about plans for a school exchange using the future tense PLC Key vocabulary E/R (school section) Key vocabulary R/M(school section) My people Discuss relationships within the family using reflexive verbs, e.g. I get on well with, I argue with Describe people building on Y8 work Read a short story/poem in Spanish PLC Key vocabulary E/R (family section) Key vocabulary R/M (Family section) Going out with friends/social media Role play – arrangements to go on a date TV/films/reading - the basics Read about social media including the dangers and then discuss the pros and cons of modern technology and our lifestyles PLC Key vocabulary E/R (technology/going out section) Key vocabulary R/M (technology/going out section) Knowledge Organisers Year 9 Knowledge Organiser Holidays Knowledge Organiser School Knowledge Organiser My People/Social Media |
Key Stage 3 Recommended Reading List
El libro de Gloria Fuertes para niñas y niños: versos, cuentos y vida by Gloria Fuertes
Alma y cómo obtuvo su nombre by Juana Martinez-Neal
Gael y la red de mentiras: una novela gráfica
Key Stage 4 Curriculum Resources
Please click on the links below to find resources that will help your daughter to achieve her personal best:
Year 10 Spanish | Year 11 Spanish |
Identity and Culture Talk/write about free-time activities, what you like and persuade someone else to take part in your activity Talk about what you usually do using ‘suelo’ TV programmes and films, building on Y9 work Watch a film in Spanish and analyse the characters and the plot Use the imperfect tense to talk about what you used to do Listening and reading in all the different tenses and going beyond the ‘I’ Talk about what is trending and discuss different types of entertainment Introduce the perfect tense Talk/write about who inspires you PLC Key vocabulary foundation Key vocabulary higher Local, national, international and global areas of interest Look at sports – using the imperfect tense to talk about what you used to do Listening and reading in all the different tenses and going beyond the ‘I’ Talk about what is trending and discuss different types of entertainment Introduce the perfect tense Talk/write about who inspires you Discuss mealtimes and food including healthy eating Find out about typical foods in Spanish speaking countries Use the passive voice to advise etc Look at exam skills for the listening and reading papers, focussing on – positive/negative/increase/decrease etc PLC Key vocabulary foundation Key vocabulary higher Environment Talking about how to protect the environment Discuss issues and problems affecting the environment Exploring solutions for environmental problems Discuss how you would make changes in school/at home PLC Key vocabulary foundation Key Vocabulary higher | Social issues Talking about how to protect the environment Discuss issues and problems affecting people in your area and in Spain Discussing healthy living Discuss how you would make changes in your future PLC Key vocabulary foundation Key Vocabulary higher Current and future study and employment Talk about different jobs and what you would like to do in the future Talk about how you earn money Use ‘soler’ in the imperfect Talk about work experience and a gap year Discuss/write about the importance of learning languages Introduce the subjunctive in regard to future plans PLC Key vocabulary foundation Key vocabulary higher Review and Revision in Preparation for the Mocks Listening Reading Writing/translating Speaking exam practice Preparation for the Speaking Exam Role play – give simple sentences and ask a question Photo card – use three tenses and opinion 2 conversations – use three tenses and detailed information including a narrative |
Key Stage 4 Resources
AQA Spanish PLC all themes/grammar
GCSE Spanish PLC
All Key vocabulary in one document by type of vocabulary (verbs, prepositions, nouns, etc)
Key words
Revision by Theme
Theme 1 Revision Booklet Family
Theme 1 Revision Booklet Going Out/Social Media
Theme 1 Revision Booklet Customs and Festivals
Theme 2 Revision Booklet Holidays
Theme 2 Revision Booklet My Town
Theme 2 Revision Booklet Environment
Theme 3 Revision Booklet Jobs
Theme 3 Revision Booklet School
Grammar – the Key verbs in three tenses
Writing and speaking – to help with the basics
Writing and speaking – make it more complicated the easy way
Writing and speaking snazzy phrases
Key Stage 4 Final Exam Resources
Please click on the links below to find resources that will help your daughter to achieve her personal best by preparing thoroughly for her final examinations:
Q drive GCSE Spanish
AQA CGP Spanish Revision Guide – available through ParentPay or on Amazon
Linguascope. (Username: Hayesfield Password: let5learn)
Seneca – ask class teacher for code
Key Stage 4 Recommended Reading List
Aura by Carlos Fuentes (Bilingual Edition)
First Spanish Reader: A Beginner’s Dual-Language Book by Angel Flores.
Papelucho by Marcela Paz.
La Vida Imaginaria by Mara Torres.
La Casa de los Espíritus by Isabel Allende