The theme: Literary Heroes and Villains
Are all heroes always good? Do they always make the right choices?
Are all villains inherently evil, or do they develop from and as a result of the world around them?
As is our custom, Hayesfield will be celebrating World Book Day 2024 on March 7th.
In books, films and media the concept of what makes a hero a hero (and a villain a villain) can be interestingly explored (for example Wicked, Cruella, Maleficent), and in the run up to the day- Literacy Tutor Sessions will focus on what defines characters as either heroes or villains. To celebrate the joy of reading and sharing stories, all students and staff are encouraged to come to school dressed in costume as either their favourite literary hero or their favourite literary villain.
Key details
Date: Thursday 7th March, Week B
Costume: Costume is always optional – however it is wonderful to get involved and have fun on the day. Some may prefer to simply celebrate by bringing in a book, prop or talking about the theme. If this is the case, come in normal school uniform, you can show enthusiasm in other ways. Costume must be either a hero or villain from a book. E.g Cruella De Vil, Trunchball, Professor Umbridge, The White Witch…
Costume Prizes: As always, prizes are focussed on being creative with what you have – not on going out of your way to buy costumes or new resources to come up with costumes. To help with this, each week we will be sharing creative costume ideas in the Bulletin from now until the event.
Other Prizes: Miss Bloomfield, The Fledglings and Reading Reps are busy planning some wonderful book and theme related activities on the day- with prizes for those who can complete the challenges.
Exciting activities on the day? See above. On both sites there will be a Creative Costume Catwalk at lunch- for any who wish to share their amazing costumes
Costume support:
Each week we will be sharing some fantastic costume ideas for heroes and villains but do
have a look at the World Book Day 2022-23 Gallery for examples of some wonderful costumes from last year here
“A villain is simply a victim whose story hasn’t been told.” – Chris Colfer, The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell (2012)
“Behind every villain lies a broken heart.” – Joanne Harris, Runemarks (2007)
“We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on- that’s who we really are.” JK Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix